vote in Game Requests

Is it possible to add a link to vote in the game in board of "Game Requests"?

Is it possible to add a link to vote in the game in board of "Game Requests"?

Hey QGame,
Are you asking if a link to the game's store page could be included in the request board? For example, if someone wants to upvote 'Laundry Store Simulator,' which has 216 upvotes, there should be a link to the Steam Store page included as well?

Hey QGame,
Are you asking if a link to the game's store page could be included in the request board? For example, if someone wants to upvote 'Laundry Store Simulator,' which has 216 upvotes, there should be a link to the Steam Store page included as well?

When I request to add a game and it is approved, there will be an additional message in the GAME REQUESTS page. After reading the message, I want to vote, but I have to search for the game name and then vote. Can I jump directly to vote page in the GAME REQUESTS page?

When I request to add a game and it is approved, there will be an additional message in the GAME REQUESTS page. After reading the message, I want to vote, but I have to search for the game name and then vote. Can I jump directly to vote page in the GAME REQUESTS page?

Ahh i got it... that could be quite tricky to implement. Thank you for the feedback. I forwarded it to our tech team and we'll consider it in future update.

Ahh i got it... that could be quite tricky to implement. Thank you for the feedback. I forwarded it to our tech team and we'll consider it in future update.