Hogwarts legacy broom speed increase cheat
Can you make a cheat to increase the broom speed for the Hogwarts Legacy game? It is really lacking. Increasing player speed or movement speed does not work for brooms, so it would be great if you could add a speed setting only for brooms. Thank you.
Can you make a cheat to increase the broom speed for the Hogwarts Legacy game? It is really lacking. Increasing player speed or movement speed does not work for brooms, so it would be great if you could add a speed setting only for brooms. Thank you.
Hello AxaeS,
I added it to our list and we'll have a look at it, when we got some time left.
Hello AxaeS,
I added it to our list and we'll have a look at it, when we got some time left.
Hello AxaeS,
I added it to our list and we'll have a look at it, when we got some time left.
Thank you for your consideration. looking forward to it
Hello AxaeS,
I added it to our list and we'll have a look at it, when we got some time left.
Thank you for your consideration. looking forward to it
Thank you for your consideration. looking forward to it
We will let you know. :)
Thank you for your consideration. looking forward to it
We will let you know. :)