Friday the 13th - The Game
Trainer & Cheats


Friday the 13th - The Game Cheats

PLITCH is an independent PC software with 72800+ cheats for 5100+ PC games, including 3 cheats for Friday the 13th - The Game

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Install PLITCH, start Friday the 13th - The Game and use the PLITCH cheats.

Friday the 13th - The Game
Trainer & Cheats


Friday the 13th - The Game Cheats

PLITCH is an independent PC software with 72800+ cheats for 5100+ PC games, including 3 cheats for Friday the 13th - The Game

Windows LogoDownload

Install PLITCH, start Friday the 13th - The Game and use the PLITCH cheats.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Based on 4699 reviews
Secured by Sectigo GDPR complaint
Friday the 13th - The Game
Top 3 cheats in PLITCH Free CheatsUnlimited KnivesUnlimited TrapsUnlimited MaskSee all cheats Arrow pointing down

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* PLITCH is an independent PC software with 72800+ cheats for 5100+ PC games, including 3 cheats for Friday the 13th - The Game
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Based on 4699 reviews
Secured by Sectigo GDPR complaint
Desktop Client Screenshot

3 Cheat Codes

Friday the 13th - The Game

Download and install PLITCH.
Create a free or premium account.
Open the client, search for your game, and start PLITCHing.*
* You need to purchase Friday the 13th - The Game in one of the supported stores to use it with PLITCH.

Free Cheats for Friday the 13th - The Game

These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Unlimited Knives
Unlimited Traps
Unlimited Mask

FAQ and More

Supported Stores*:
Developer: Release Year: Latest Trainer Update:
Full Name: Publisher:
Friday the 13th - The Game
Gun Media
Developer: Release Year: Latest Trainer Update: Full Name: Publisher: Supported Stores*:
201713.06.2022Friday the 13th - The Game
Gun Media
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