Trainer i cheaty do gry FIFA Manager 12


FIFA Manager 12 Cheaty

PLITCH to niezależne oprogramowanie PC oferujące ponad 74200 cheatów do więcej niż 5200 gier na PC, w tym wiele kodów (259) do gry FIFA Manager 12.

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Zainstaluj PLITCH, uruchom grę FIFA Manager 12 i użyj cheatów PLITCH.

Trainer i cheaty do gry FIFA Manager 12


FIFA Manager 12 Cheaty

PLITCH to niezależne oprogramowanie PC oferujące ponad 74200 cheatów do więcej niż 5200 gier na PC, w tym wiele kodów (259) do gry FIFA Manager 12.

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Zainstaluj PLITCH, uruchom grę FIFA Manager 12 i użyj cheatów PLITCH.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Na podstawie 4872 recenzji
Zabezpieczone przez Sectigo. Skarga RODO
FIFA Manager 12
Najpopularniejsze 4 kody w PLITCH Darmowe cheatyClub: Money +5.000.000Club: Money +500.000.000
Ikona premium PLITCH Cheaty Premium
Unlimited negotiation rounds for adboardsUnlimited negotiation rounds for sponsor pyramidZobacz wszystkie kody Strzałka skierowana w dół

Zarejestruj się tutaj, by otrzymać wiadomość e-mail
z linkiem do pobrania Plitch na PC. *

Zarejestruj się
* PLITCH to niezależne oprogramowanie PC oferujące ponad 74200 cheatów do więcej niż 5200 gier na PC, w tym wiele kodów (259) do gry FIFA Manager 12.
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Na podstawie 4872 recenzji
Zabezpieczone przez Sectigo. Skarga RODO
Zrzut ekranu pogramu stacjonarnego

Cheaty: 259

FIFA Manager 12

Pobierz i zainstaluj Plitch.
Utwórz konto darmowe lub premium.
* Musisz kupić grę FIFA Manager 12 w jednym z obsługiwanych sklepów, by móc korzystać z PLITCH w powiązaniu z tym tytułem.

Darmowe cheaty do gry FIFA Manager 12

Te cheaty są darmowe i dostępne dla wszystkich.
Aktywuj najpierw
Przygotowanie do kodów
Club: Money +5.000.000
Club: Money +500.000.000
Club: Money set 0
Club: Budget player salary +50.000.000
Club: Budget transfers +50.000.000
Club: Budget infrastructure +50.000.000
Club: Budget miscellaneous +50.000.000
Ikona premium PLITCH

Cheaty premium do gry FIFA Manager 12

Te cheaty są dostępne tylko dla użytkowników premium.
Unlimited negotiation rounds for adboards
Unlimited negotiation rounds for sponsor pyramid
Unlimited time and mood for main sponsor
Unlimited negotiationrounds for name-rights
Unlimited negotiationrounds for managersponsors
Team-tactics: All to 5
Quiz always right answer
Club-facility 1 day construction
Unlimited points for player-career
Gracz z pola
Player: Attribute shot power +1
Player: Attribute shot power -1
Player: Attribute long shots +1
Player: Attribute long shots -1
Player: Attribute dribbling +1
Player: Attribute dribbling -1
Player: Attribute technique +1
Player: Attribute technique -1
Player: Attribute crossing +1
Player: Attribute crossing -1
Player: Attribute creativity +1
Player: Attribute creativity -1
Player: Attribute finishing +1
Player: Attribute finishing -1
Player: Attribute passing (short) +1
Player: Attribute passing (short) -1
Player: Attribute passing (long) +1
Player: Attribute passing (long) -1
Player: Attribute flair +1
Player: Attribute flair -1
Player: Attribute tackling +1
Player: Attribute tackling -1
Player: Attribute marking +1
Player: Attribute marking -1
Player: Attribute heading accuracy +1
Player: Attribute heading accuracy -1
Player: Attribute ball control +1
Player: Attribute ball control -1
Player: Attribute forward runs +1
Player: Attribute forward runs -1
Player: Attribute crosses +1
Player: Attribute crosses -1
Player: Attribute handling +1
Player: Attribute handling -1
Player: Attribute goal kicks +1
Player: Attribute goal kicks -1
Player: Attribute one-on-ones +1
Player: Attribute one-on-ones -1
Player: Attribute positioning +1
Player: Attribute positioning -1
Player: Attribute punching +1
Player: Attribute punching -1
Player: Attribute reflexes +1
Player: Attribute reflexes -1
Player: Attribute GK throw outs +1
Player: Attribute GK throw outs -1
Umowa gracza
Player contract: Salary +500.000
Player contract: Salary -500.000
Player contract: Appearances bonus +2.000
Player contract: Appearances bonus -2.000
Player contract: Retain divisional status +1.000
Player contract: Retain divisional status -1.000
Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus +5.000
Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus -5.000
Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus +1.000
Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus -1.000
Player contract: Minimum release fee +1.000.000
Player contract: Minimum release fee -1.000.000
Player contract: Season increment +1%
Player contract: Season increment -1%
Player contract: Salary +10.000
Player contract: Salary -10.000
Atrybuty gracza
Player: Attribute free kicks +1
Player: Attribute free kicks -1
Player: Attribute corners +1
Player: Attribute corners -1
Player: Attribute penalties +1
Player: Attribute penalties -1
Player: Attribute anticipation +1
Player: Attribute anticipation -1
Player: Attribute aggression +1
Player: Attribute aggression -1
Player: Attribute composure +1
Player: Attribute composure -1
Player: Attribute concentration +1
Player: Attribute concentration -1
Player: Attribute decisions/judgement +1
Player: Attribute decisions/judgement -1
Player: Attribute determination +1
Player: Attribute determination -1
Player: Attribute team work +1
Player: Attribute team work -1
Player: Attribute consistency +1
Player: Attribute consistency -1
Player: Attribute intimidation +1
Player: Attribute intimidation -1
Player: Attribute leadership +1
Player: Attribute leadership -1
Player: Attribute acceleration +1
Player: Attribute acceleration -1
Player: Attribute sprint speed +1
Player: Attribute sprint speed -1
Player: Attribute work rate +1
Player: Attribute work rate -1
Player: Attribute strength +1
Player: Attribute strength -1
Player: Attribute agility +1
Player: Attribute agility -1
Player: Attribute jumping +1
Player: Attribute jumping -1
Player: Attribute stamina +1
Player: Attribute stamina -1
Pozycje gracza
Player: Position bias GK 100
Player: Position bias GK 0
Player: Position bias RB 100
Player: Position bias RB 0
Player: Position bias LB 100
Player: Position bias LB 0
Player: Position bias CD 100
Player: Position bias CD 0
Player: Position bias SW 100
Player: Position bias SW 0
Player: Position bias RWB 100
Player: Position bias RWB 0
Player: Position bias LWB 100
Player: Position bias LWB 0
Player: Position bias ANC 100
Player: Position bias ANC 0
Player: Position bias DM 100
Player: Position bias DM 0
Player: Position bias RM 100
Player: Position bias RM 0
Player: Position bias LM 100
Player: Position bias LM 0
Player: Position bias CM 100
Player: Position bias CM 0
Player: Position bias RW 100
Player: Position bias RW 0
Player: Position bias LW 100
Player: Position bias LW 0
Player: Position bias AM 100
Player: Position bias AM 0
Player: Position bias CF 100
Player: Position bias CF 0
Player: Position bias ST 100
Player: Position bias ST 0
Gracz - ogólne
Player: Morale +10
Player: Morale -10
Player: Form +1
Player: Form -1
Player: Form bonus +1
Player: Form bonus -1
Player: Energy +10
Player: Energy -10
Player: Fitness +10
Player: Fitness -10
Player: Self confidence +10
Player: Self confidence -10
Player: Atmosphere +1
Player: Atmosphere -1
Player: Trust in coach +1
Player: Trust in coach -1
Player: Hero status increase
Player: Hero status decrease
Player: Tactical Training max
Player: Tactical Training min
Player: Experiences +100
Player: Experiences -100
Player: Talent +1
Player: Talent -1
Player: Size +3cm
Player: Size -3cm
Player: Weight +3kg
Player: Weight -3kg
Player: Left footed
Player: Right footed
Player: Both footed
Player: Heal injury
Player: Set injury
Player: Age -365 days
Player: Age +365 days
Drużyna narodowa
Nationalteam contract: Salary +100.000
Nationalteam contract: Salary -100.000
Nationalteam contract: Qualification +10.000
Nationalteam contract: Qualification -10.000
Nationalteam contract: Per round +30.000
Nationalteam contract: Per round -30.000
Nationalteam contract: Title +50.000
Nationalteam contract: Title -50.000
Nationalteam contract: Runtime +1 year
Nationalteam contract: Runtime -1 year
Unlimited negotiationrounds for nationalteam contract
Umowa menadżerska
Manager team contract: Salary +250.000
Manager team contract: Salary -250.000
Manager team contract: Victory-bonus +20.000
Manager team contract: Victory-bonus -20.000
Manager team contract: Profit participation +0,1%
Manager team contract: Profit participation -0,1%
Manager team contract: Annual increase +0,1%
Manager team contract: Annual increase -0,1%
Manager team contract: runtime +1 year
Manager team contract: runtime -1 year
Unlimited negotiation rounds for team-contract
Staff: Attributes to 99
Staff: Talent +1
Staff: Talent -1
Staff: Willingness to learn +5
Staff: Willingness to learn -5
Staff: Resilience +5
Staff: Resilience -5
Staff: Effort +5
Staff: Effort -5
Staff: Motivation +5
Staff: Motivation -5
Staff: Stress +5
Staff: Stress -5
Staff: Loyalty +5
Staff: Loyalty -5
Staff: Age -365 days
Staff: Age +365 days
Staff contract: Salary +30.000
Staff contract: Salary -30.000
Staff contract: Annual increase +1%
Staff contract: Annual increase -1%
Partner: Mood/atmosphere +5%
Partner: Mood/atmosphere -5%
Partner: Intelligence +1
Partner: Intelligence -1
Partner: Patience +1
Partner: Patience -1
Partner: Spending behavior +1
Partner: Spending behavior -1
Partner: Soccer enthusiasm +1
Partner: Soccer enthusiasm -1
Club: Balance all costs 0
Club: National prestige +1
Club: National prestige -1
Club: International prestige +1
Club: International prestige -1
Club: Team self-confidence +1
Club: Team self-confidence -1
Manager: Money +5.000.000
Manager: Money +500.000.000
Manager: Experiences/points +5.000
Manager: Experiences/points +50.000
Manager: Full fanpopularity
Manager: Full media-status
Manager: Unlimited sport per day
Manager: Age +365 days
Manager: Age +1 day
Manager: Age -365 days
Manager: Age -1 day
Uzyskaj konto premium, by móc korzystać ze wszystkich cheatów. Ikona premium PLITCHZdobądź premium

FAQ and More

FIFA Manager 12: piłka nożna w najlepszym wydaniu!

Jeśli chodzi o oryginalność, autentyzm i poziom rozgrywki, [game:15] był uważany za niedościgniony wzór… Cóż, to już przeszłość. FIFA Manager 12 to 700 nowych elementów i mnóstwo ulepszeń. FIFA Manager 12 może się pochwalić wyjątkowymi atrakcjami, między innymi silnikiem FIFA 3D oraz możliwością wzięcia udziału w wielu rozgrywkach klubowych. Nasze ekskluzywne kody i cheaty PLITCH sprawią, że 700 wspomnianych nowych elementów dopasujesz idealnie pod siebie.
Obsługiwane sklepy*:
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