SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
트레이너 & 치트


SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 치트

PLITCH는 인디 PC 소프트웨어로, SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 치트 149개를 비롯해 PC 게임 5200개 이상의 치트 74200개 이상을 지원합니다

Windows 로고다운로드

PLITCH 설치 후 SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 실행해 PLITCH 치트를 쓰세요.

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
트레이너 & 치트


SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 치트

PLITCH는 인디 PC 소프트웨어로, SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 치트 149개를 비롯해 PC 게임 5200개 이상의 치트 74200개 이상을 지원합니다

Windows 로고다운로드

PLITCH 설치 후 SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 실행해 PLITCH 치트를 쓰세요.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating 4872 리뷰를 기반으로 함
보안 - Sectigo GDPR 준수
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
149 코드
PLITCH 탑 4 치트 무료 치트Set Health (Alien Soldier)Set Health (Alien Storm)
PLITCH 프리미엄 아이콘 프리미엄 치트
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle)Freeze Time (Alien Soldier)모든 치트 보기 아래쪽을 가리키는 화살표

여기서 등록해 이메일로
PC 다운로드 링크를 받으세요 *

* PLITCH는 인디 PC 소프트웨어로, SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 치트 149개를 비롯해 PC 게임 5200개 이상의 치트 74200개 이상을 지원합니다
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating 4872 리뷰를 기반으로 함
보안 - Sectigo GDPR 준수
데스크톱 클라이언트 스크린샷

149 치트 코드

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

PLITCH를 다운로드해 설치합니다.
무료 또는 프리미엄 계정을 만듭니다.
PLITCH 클라이언트에서 원하는 게임을 검색한 뒤 PLITCH합니다.*
* 지원하는 상점에서 SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 구매해야 PLITCH와 연동해 플레이할 수 있습니다.

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 무료 치트

누구나 쓸 수 있는 무료 치트입니다.
먼저 활성화
Set Health (Alien Soldier)
Set Health (Alien Storm)
Set Health (Altered Beast)
Refill Health (Beyond Oasis)
Refill Health (Comic Zone)
선수 일반
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Bio-Hazard Battle)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Bonanza Bros)
PLITCH 프리미엄 아이콘

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics 프리미엄 치트

프리미엄 사용자만 쓸 수 있는 치트입니다.
선수 일반
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Altered Beast)
Set Lives (Crack Down)
Set Continues (ESWAT City under Siege)
Set Lives (Golden Axe)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Golden Axe 2)
Set Lives (Golden Axe 3)
Set Lives (Ristar)
Set Lives (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Set Lives (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Set Lives (Sonic 3D Blast)
Set Lives (Sonic Spinball)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Space Harrier 2)
Set Lives (Street of Rage)
Set Lives (1L = 0, 2L = 1, ...) (Street of Rage 2)
Set Lives (Street of Rage 3)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Super Thunder Blade)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (The Revenge of Shinobi)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Vectorman)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Vectorman 2)
Set Lives (Wonder Boy 3 - Monster Lair)
Freeze Time (Alien Soldier)
Freeze Time (Bonanza Bros)
Set Time in seconds (Colums 3)
Freeze Time (Crack Down)
Freeze Time (Eternal Champions)
Freeze Time (Gain Ground)
Set Time in seconds (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Unlimited Health (Alien Soldier)
Unlimited Health (Alien Storm)
Set Energy (Alien Storm)
Unlimited Energy (Alien Storm)
Unlimited Health (Altered Beast)
Unlimited Health (Beyond Oasis)
Refill SP (Beyond Oasis)
Unlimited SP (Beyond Oasis)
Unlimited Health (Comic Zone)
Refill Health (ESWAT City under Siege)
Unlimited Health (ESWAT City under Siege)
Refill Health P1 (Eternal Champions)
Unlimited Health P1 (Eternal Champions)
Refill Shield (Galaxy Force 2)
Unlimited Shield (Galaxy Force 2)
Set Energy (Galaxy Force 2)
Set Health (1 Bar = 16) (Golden Axe)
Unlimited Health (Golden Axe)
Set Health (1 Bar = 272) (Golden Axe 2)
Unlimited Health (Golden Axe 2)
Refill Health (Golden Axe 3)
Unlimited Health (Golden Axe 3)
Refill Vitality (GunStar Heros)
Unlimited Vitality (GunStar Heros)
Refill Health (Kid Chameleon)
Unlimited Health (Kid Chameleon)
Unlimited Health (Land Stalker)
Set Health (1 Ball = 10) (Light Crusader)
Unlimited Health (Light Crusader)
Refill HP (Phantasy Star 3)
Unlimited HP (Phantasy Star 3)
Refill HP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited HP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill TP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited TP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill HP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited HP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill TP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited TP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill HP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited HP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill TP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited TP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill Health (Ristar)
Unlimited Health (Ristar)
Refill HP (Character 1) (Shining in The Darkness)
Unlimited HP (Character 1) (Shining in The Darkness)
Refill MP (Shining Force)
Unlimited MP (Shining Force)
Refill HP (Shining Force)
Unlimited HP (Shining Force)
Refill MP (Shining Force 2)
Unlimited MP (Shining Force 2)
Refill HP (Shining Force 2)
Unlimited HP (Shining Force 2)
Refill Health (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Unlimited Health (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Refill Health (Street of Rage)
Unlimited Health (Street of Rage)
Refill Health (Street of Rage 2)
Unlimited Health (Street of Rage 2)
Refill Health (Street of Rage 3)
Unlimited Health (Street of Rage 3)
Refill Health (Sword of Vermillion)
Unlimited Health (Sword of Vermillion)
Refill MP (Sword of Vermillion)
Unlimited MP (Sword of Vermillion)
Refill Health (The Revenge of Shinobi)
Unlimited Health (The Revenge of Shinobi)
Refill Health (Toe Jam & Earl)
Unlimited Health (Toe Jam & Earl)
Refill Health (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Unlimited Health (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Refill Health (Vectorman)
Unlimited Health (Vectorman)
Refill Health (Vectorman 2)
Unlimited Health (Vectorman 2)
Refill Health (Wonder Boy In Monster World)
Unlimited Health (Wonder Boy In Monster World)
Set Credits (Alien Storm)
Set Credits (Bio-Hazard Battle)
Set Jewels (Colums)
Set Juwels (Kid Chameleon)
Set Gold (Land Stalker)
Set Gold (Light Crusader)
Set Mes (Gold) (Phantasy Star 3)
Set Mes (Gold) (Phantasy Star 4)
Set Gold (Shining in The Darkness)
Set Gold (Shining Force)
Set Gold (Shining Force 2)
Set Gold (Sword of Vermillion)
Set Coins (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Set Snakes (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Set Gold (Wonder Boy In Monster World)
Increase Score (Colums)
Increase Score (Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine)
Reset Enemy Score to 0 (Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine)
Increase Score (100P ~ 1) (GunStar Heros)
Increase Score (Ristar)
Increase Score (Wonder Boy 3 - Monster Lair)
Set Ammo (Crack Down)
Set Rockets (Crack Down)
Set Daggers (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Set Specials (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Set Special (Street of Rage)
Invisible (Dynamite Headdy)
Low Health P2 (Eternal Champions)
Invisible (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Invisible (Sonic 3D Blast)
Set Invisible (Super Thunder Blade)
Add EXP (Phantasy Star 3)
Add EXP (Character 1) (Shining in The Darkness)
프리미엄을 구매해 모든 치트를 이용하세요. PLITCH 프리미엄 아이콘프리미엄 구매

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지원하는 상점*:
개발사: 출시 연도: 최신 트레이너 업데이트:
20102024. 12. 10.
전체 이름: 배급사:
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
개발사: 출시 연도: 최신 트레이너 업데이트: 전체 이름: 배급사: 지원하는 상점*:
20102024. 12. 10.SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
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