Ostalgie - The Berlin Wall
트레이너 & 치트

Ostalgie - The Berlin Wall
트레이너 & 치트

Ostalgie - The Berlin Wall
31 코드
PLITCH 탑 4 치트
무료 치트+10 Unit of the party -10 Unit of the party
프리미엄 치트+10 Approval from the USSR -10 Approval from the USSR 모든 치트 보기
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31 치트 코드
Ostalgie - The Berlin Wall
Ostalgie - The Berlin Wall 무료 치트
누구나 쓸 수 있는 무료 치트입니다.
먼저 활성화
치트 쓸 준비
+10 Unit of the party
-10 Unit of the party
Ostalgie - The Berlin Wall 프리미엄 치트
+10 Approval from the USSR
-10 Approval from the USSR
+10 Support of the people
-10 Support of the people
+10 Westalgia
-10 Westalgia
+10 Standard of living
-10 Standard of living
+10 Diplomatic reputation
-10 Diplomatic reputation
+10 Socialist camp stability
-10 Socialist camp stability
+10 money
-10 Money
+1 Agent
+1 Threat from NATO
-1 Threat from NATO
+1 Political system
-1 Political system
+1 Parties
-1 Parties
+10 Party line
-10 Party line
+1 Type of economy
-1 Type of economy
+1 Freedom
-1 Freedom
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