FIFA Manager 08
트레이너 & 치트


FIFA Manager 08 치트

PLITCH는 인디 PC 소프트웨어로, FIFA Manager 08 치트 253개를 비롯해 PC 게임 5200개 이상의 치트 74200개 이상을 지원합니다

Windows 로고다운로드

PLITCH 설치 후 FIFA Manager 08 실행해 PLITCH 치트를 쓰세요.

FIFA Manager 08
트레이너 & 치트


FIFA Manager 08 치트

PLITCH는 인디 PC 소프트웨어로, FIFA Manager 08 치트 253개를 비롯해 PC 게임 5200개 이상의 치트 74200개 이상을 지원합니다

Windows 로고다운로드

PLITCH 설치 후 FIFA Manager 08 실행해 PLITCH 치트를 쓰세요.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating 4900 리뷰를 기반으로 함
보안 - Sectigo GDPR 준수
FIFA Manager 08
253 코드
PLITCH 탑 4 치트 무료 치트Sponsor-negotiation Unlimited negotiation-roundsQuiz questions
PLITCH 프리미엄 아이콘 프리미엄 치트
Team-tactics All tactics to maxTV-Sponsor-negotiation Unlimited negotiation-rounds모든 치트 보기 아래쪽을 가리키는 화살표

여기서 등록해 이메일로
PC 다운로드 링크를 받으세요 *

* PLITCH는 인디 PC 소프트웨어로, FIFA Manager 08 치트 253개를 비롯해 PC 게임 5200개 이상의 치트 74200개 이상을 지원합니다
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating 4900 리뷰를 기반으로 함
보안 - Sectigo GDPR 준수
데스크톱 클라이언트 스크린샷

253 치트 코드

FIFA Manager 08

PLITCH를 다운로드해 설치합니다.
무료 또는 프리미엄 계정을 만듭니다.
PLITCH 클라이언트에서 원하는 게임을 검색한 뒤 PLITCH합니다.*
* 지원하는 상점에서 FIFA Manager 08 구매해야 PLITCH와 연동해 플레이할 수 있습니다.

FIFA Manager 08 무료 치트

누구나 쓸 수 있는 무료 치트입니다.
먼저 활성화
Sponsor-negotiation Unlimited negotiation-rounds
Quiz questions
선수 일반
Full scoutinglevel for a player
국가 대표팀
Manager - nationalteamcontract Unlimited negotiation-rounds
Nationalteam-budget - 500Mio.
매니저 계약
Manager - teamcontract Unlimited negotiation-rounds
Partner - perfect intelligence
Partner - perfect patience
Partner - perfect spending behavior
Partner - perfect mood
Club: Balance all costs 0
Perfect Team-Atmosphere
Club: Money +5.000.000
Club: Money +500.000.000
Club: Money set 0
Club: Budget player salary +50.000.000
Club: Budget transfers +50.000.000
Club: Budget infrastructure +50.000.000
Club: Budget miscellaneous +50.000.000
Manager: Money +5.000.000
Manager-sponsors 250k
PLITCH 프리미엄 아이콘

FIFA Manager 08 프리미엄 치트

프리미엄 사용자만 쓸 수 있는 치트입니다.
Team-tactics All tactics to max
TV-Sponsor-negotiation Unlimited negotiation-rounds
Player-career spend unlimited points
Boards-advertising - Unlimited negotiation-rounds
Player-exchange - Unlimited negotiation-rounds
Text mode, Instant Calculation, Videotext - Unlimited exchanges
필드 플레이어
Player: field player 99
Player: Attribute shot power +1
Player: Attribute shot power -1
Player: Attribute long shots +1
Player: Attribute long shots -1
Player: Attribute dribbling +1
Player: Attribute dribbling -1
Player: Attribute technique +1
Player: Attribute technique -1
Player: Attribute crossing +1
Player: Attribute crossing -1
Player: Attribute creativity +1
Player: Attribute creativity -1
Player: Attribute finishing +1
Player: Attribute finishing -1
Player: Attribute passing (short) +1
Player: Attribute passing (short) -1
Player: Attribute passing (long) +1
Player: Attribute passing (long) -1
Player: Attribute flair +1
Player: Attribute flair -1
Player: Attribute tackling +1
Player: Attribute tackling -1
Player: Attribute marking +1
Player: Attribute marking -1
Player: Attribute heading accuracy +1
Player: Attribute heading accuracy -1
Player: Attribute ball control +1
Player: Attribute ball control -1
Player: Attribute forward runs +1
Player: Attribute forward runs -1
Player: goal keeper 99
Player: Attribute crosses +1
Player: Attribute crosses -1
Player: Attribute handling +1
Player: Attribute handling -1
Player: Attribute goal kicks +1
Player: Attribute goal kicks -1
Player: Attribute one-on-ones +1
Player: Attribute one-on-ones -1
Player: Attribute positioning +1
Player: Attribute positioning -1
Player: Attribute punching +1
Player: Attribute punching -1
Player: Attribute shot stopping +1
Player: Attribute shot stopping -1
Player: Attribute GK throw outs +1
Player: Attribute GK throw outs -1
선수 계약
Player contract: 0% costs consultant
Player contract: 0% season increment
Player contract: 50% less salary on relegation
Player contract: No exit clause
Player contract: No option clause
Player contract: 1 year option for club
Player contract: Salary +500.000
Player contract: Salary -500.000
Player contract: Salary +10.000
Player contract: Salary -10.000
Player contract: Appearances bonus +2.000
Player contract: Appearances bonus -2.000
Player contract: Retain divisional status +1.000
Player contract: Retain divisional status -1.000
Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus +5.000
Player contract: Championship/Promotion bonus -5.000
Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus +1.000
Player contract: Goal/Clean sheet bonus -1.000
Player contract: Bonus first country match +1.000
Player contract: Bonus first country match -1.000
Player contract: Bonus after x league matches +1.000
Player contract: Bonus after x league matches -1.000
Player contract: Minimum release fee +1.000.000
Player contract: Minimum release fee -1.000.000
Player contract: End date +365 days
Player contract: End date +1 day
Player contract: End date -1 day
선수 속성
Player: Attribute free kicks +1
Player: Attribute free kicks -1
Player: Attribute corners +1
Player: Attribute corners -1
Player: Attribute penalties +1
Player: Attribute penalties -1
Player: Attribute acceleration +1
Player: Attribute acceleration -1
Player: Attribute sprint speed +1
Player: Attribute sprint speed -1
Player: Attribute work rate +1
Player: Attribute work rate -1
Player: Attribute strength +1
Player: Attribute strength -1
Player: Attribute agility +1
Player: Attribute agility -1
Player: Attribute jumping +1
Player: Attribute jumping -1
Player: Attribute stamina +1
Player: Attribute stamina -1
Player: Attribute anticipation +1
Player: Attribute anticipation -1
Player: Attribute aggression +1
Player: Attribute aggression -1
Player: Attribute composure +1
Player: Attribute composure -1
Player: Attribute concentration +1
Player: Attribute concentration -1
Player: Attribute decisions/judgement +1
Player: Attribute decisions/judgement -1
Player: Attribute determination +1
Player: Attribute determination -1
Player: Attribute team work +1
Player: Attribute team work -1
Player: Attribute consistency +1
Player: Attribute consistency -1
Player: Attribute intimidation +1
Player: Attribute intimidation -1
Player: Attribute leadership +1
Player: Attribute leadership -1
선수 포지션
Player: position 1 next
Player: position 1 back
Player: position 2 next
Player: position 2 back
Player: position 3 next
Player: position 3 back
Player: position 4 next
Player: position 4 back
Player: position 5 next
Player: position 5 back
Player: position 6 next
Player: position 6 back
Player: position bias pos.2 - 100%
Player: position bias pos.3 - 100%
Player: position bias pos.4 - 100%
Player: position bias pos.5 - 100%
Player: position bias pos.6 - 100%
Player: position bias pos.2 - 0%
Player: position bias pos.3 - 0%
Player: position bias pos.4 - 0%
Player: position bias pos.5 - 0%
Player: position bias pos.6 - 0%
선수 일반
Morale + energy + fitness + physio + form + self-confidence Max
Morale + energy + fitness + physio + form + self-confidence Medium
Morale + energy + fitness + physio + form + self-confidence Min
Player: 1st nationality next
Player: 1st nationality back
Player: 2nd nationality next
Player: 2nd nationality back
Player: talent + foot next
Player: talent + foot back
Player: 1st language next
Player: 1st language back
Player: 2nd language next
Player: 2nd language back
Player: 3rd language next
Player: 3rd language back
Player: style next
Player: style back
Player: physio +10
Player: physio -10
Player: Atmosphere +1
Player: Atmosphere -1
Player: Self confidence +10
Player: Self confidence -10
Player: Morale +10
Player: Morale -10
Player: Energy +10
Player: Energy -10
Player: Form +1
Player: Form -1
Player: Size +3cm
Player: Size -3cm
Player: Weight +3kg
Player: Weight -3kg
Player: Trust in coach +1
Player: Trust in coach -1
Player: National experiences +100
Player: National experiences -100
Player: International experiences +50
Player: International experiences -50
Player: Tactical Training max
Player: Tactical Training min
Player: Matches for national team +1
Player: Matches for national team -1
Player: Goals for national team +1
Player: Goals for national team -1
Player: Fitness +10
Player: Fitness -10
국가 대표팀
Nationalteam contract: Salary +100.000
Nationalteam contract: Salary -100.000
Nationalteam contract: Qualification +10.000
Nationalteam contract: Qualification -10.000
Nationalteam contract: Per round +30.000
Nationalteam contract: Per round -30.000
Nationalteam contract: Title +50.000
Nationalteam contract: Title -50.000
Nationalteam contract: Runtime +1 year
Nationalteam contract: Runtime -1 year
매니저 계약
Manager team contract: Salary +250.000
Manager team contract: Salary -250.000
Manager team contract: Victory-bonus +20.000
Manager team contract: Victory-bonus -20.000
Manager team contract: Annual increase +0,1%
Manager team contract: Annual increase -0,1%
Manager team contract: runtime +1 year
Manager team contract: runtime -1 year
Staff contract: Salary +30.000
Staff contract: Salary -30.000
Staff contract: Bonus +2.500
Staff contract: Bonus -2.500
Staff contract: Annual increase +1%
Staff contract: Annual increase -1%
Staff contract: End date +365 days
Staff contract: End date +1 day
Staff contract: End date -1 day
Training-apportionment 150%
Boards-advertising 250k
Boards-advertising 15 boards
Training-apportionment 100%
Club: National prestige +1
Club: National prestige -1
Club: International prestige +1
Club: International prestige -1
Stadium-expansion 1 week
Manager: Money +500.000.000
Manager: Experiences/points +5.000
Manager: Experiences/points +50.000
Manager: Full fanpopularity
Manager: Full media-status
프리미엄을 구매해 모든 치트를 이용하세요. PLITCH 프리미엄 아이콘프리미엄 구매

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지원하는 상점*:
개발사: 출시 연도: 최신 트레이너 업데이트:
EA Canada, Bright Future
20072020. 4. 21.
전체 이름: 배급사:
FIFA Manager 08
EA Sports, Electronic Arts
개발사: 출시 연도: 최신 트레이너 업데이트: 전체 이름: 배급사: 지원하는 상점*:
EA Canada, Bright Future
20072020. 4. 21.FIFA Manager 08
EA Sports, Electronic Arts
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