Entrenador y trucos para WE ARE FOOTBALL

Entrenador y trucos para WE ARE FOOTBALL

Los 4 mejores trucos en PLITCH
Trucos gratisUnlimited negotiation rounds for season start Player: set nationality 1
Trucos PremiumUnlimited negotiation rounds with sponsors Set action points Ver todos los trucos
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106 trucos
Trucos gratis para WE ARE FOOTBALL
Estos trucos son gratuitos y están disponibles para todo el mundo.
Importante de antemano
Prepárate para las trampas
Unlimited negotiation rounds for season start
Aspectos generales del jugador
Player: set nationality 1
Player: set nationality 2
Player: set size (in cm)
Player Age: sub x years
Player Age: add x years
Trucos Premium para WE ARE FOOTBALL
Unlimited negotiation rounds with sponsors
Unlimited negotiation rounds for transfers
Unlimited negotiation rounds for player contracts
Unlimited negotiation rounds for staff
Set action points
Set player improve/boost points
Add Manager XP
Full Support Board
Full Support Fans+Public
Full Support Staff
Full Support Players
Set Manager Level
Increase manager money
Manager Age: add x years
Manager Age: sub x years
Manager: set language 1
Manager: set language 2
Manager: set language 3
Decrease manager money
Manager: set nationality
Full Support Association
Increase club money / balance
Increase transfer budget
Decrease transfer budget
Increase club budget
Decrease club budget
Add wins (all-time table)
Sub wins (all-time table)
Add draws (all-time table)
Sub draws (all-time table)
Add losses (all-time table)
Sub losses (all-time table)
Add goals for (all-time table)
Sub goals for (all-time table)
Add goals against (all-time table)
Sub goals against (all-time table)
Decrease club money / balance
Atributos del jugador
Fast player-skill boost
Player: Full fitness
Player: no fitness
Player: full freshness
Player: no freshness
Increase tactical training
Decrease tactical traning
Set Level
Set Level (best career value)
Set Talent
Set form
Set Grit
Set Satisfaction
Set Motivation
Set Open-mindedness
Set Perfectionism
Set Sociality
Set Agreeableness
Set Self-Confidence
Set Negotiation
Aspectos generales del jugador
Add player XP
Add career matches
Sub career matches
Add career goals
Sub career goals
Set swag factor
Set foot
Contrato de jugador
Increase salary
Decrease salary
Increase victory bonus
Decrease victory bonus
Increase appearance bonus
Decrease appearance bonus
Resale share for your club
Set x% resale share
Remove resale share
Set release clause year
Set release clause amount
Remove release clause
Player Contract: add x years
Player Contract: sub x years
Posiciones del jugador
Set Position 1
Set Position 2
Set Position 3
Staff Age: add x years
Staff Age: sub x years
Staff/Manager Contract: add x years
Staff/Manager Contract: sub x years
Staff: set nationality
Staff: set level
Staff: set hard working
Staff: set language 1
Staff: set language 2
Staff: set language 3
Staff: Set Open-mindedness
Staff: Set Perfectionism
Staff: Set Sociality
Staff: Set Agreeableness
Staff: Set Self-Confidence
Staff: Set Negotiation
Staff: Increase Salary
Staff: Decrease Salary
FAQ and More
WE ARE FOOTBALL – ¡Sumérgete en el mundo del fútbol y conviértete en una leyenda!
El juego de simulación WE ARE FOOTBALL, del estudio de desarrollo Winning Streak Games, destaca la posición del director y entrenador de un equipo de fútbol masculino o femenino. El juego fue desarrollado junto con directivos de fútbol para adoptar un enfoque realista. Tienes que tomar muchas decisiones importantes, empezando por elegir el equipo. Forma el equipo de tus sueños y acumula más y más trofeos. Pero recuerda que un equipo más grande también implica mayor responsabilidad. Con nuestros códigos de entrenamiento y trucos exclusivos de PLITCH estaremos encantados de apoyarte con esta responsabilidad.Tiendas compatibles*:
![Steam Steam]()
![Epic Epic]()
Año de lanzamiento:
Actualización más reciente del entrenador:
Winning Streak Games
202117/7/2023Nombre Completo:
Lanzado por:
THQ Nordic
Año de lanzamiento:
Actualización más reciente del entrenador:
Nombre Completo:
Lanzado por:
Tiendas compatibles*:
Winning Streak Games
202117/7/2023WE ARE FOOTBALL
THQ Nordic