Entrenador y trucos para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics


SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics Trucos

PLITCH es un software independiente para PC con más de 74200 trucos para más de 5200 juegos de PC, entre los que se incluyen 149 trucos para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

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Entrenador y trucos para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics


SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics Trucos

PLITCH es un software independiente para PC con más de 74200 trucos para más de 5200 juegos de PC, entre los que se incluyen 149 trucos para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

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Instala PLITCH, inicia SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics y utiliza los trucos de PLITCH.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Basado en 4872 opiniones
Certificado por Sectigo Reclamación del RGPD
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
Los 4 mejores trucos en PLITCH Trucos gratisSet Health (Alien Soldier)Set Health (Alien Storm)
Icono PLITCH premium Trucos Premium
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle)Freeze Time (Alien Soldier)Ver todos los trucos Flecha hacia abajo

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* PLITCH es un software independiente para PC con más de 74200 trucos para más de 5200 juegos de PC, entre los que se incluyen 149 trucos para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Basado en 4872 opiniones
Certificado por Sectigo Reclamación del RGPD
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149 trucos

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

Descarga e instala PLITCH.
Crea una cuenta gratuita o Premium.
*Tienes que comprar SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics en una de las tiendas compatibles para poder usar las funciones de PLITCH.

Trucos gratis para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

Estos trucos son gratuitos y están disponibles para todo el mundo.
Importante de antemano
Set Health (Alien Soldier)
Set Health (Alien Storm)
Set Health (Altered Beast)
Refill Health (Beyond Oasis)
Refill Health (Comic Zone)
Aspectos generales del jugador
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Bio-Hazard Battle)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Bonanza Bros)
Icono PLITCH premium

Trucos Premium para SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

Estos trucos solo están disponibles para los usuarios Premium.
Aspectos generales del jugador
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Altered Beast)
Set Lives (Crack Down)
Set Continues (ESWAT City under Siege)
Set Lives (Golden Axe)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Golden Axe 2)
Set Lives (Golden Axe 3)
Set Lives (Ristar)
Set Lives (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Set Lives (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Set Lives (Sonic 3D Blast)
Set Lives (Sonic Spinball)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Space Harrier 2)
Set Lives (Street of Rage)
Set Lives (1L = 0, 2L = 1, ...) (Street of Rage 2)
Set Lives (Street of Rage 3)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Super Thunder Blade)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (The Revenge of Shinobi)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Vectorman)
Set Lives (0L = 1, 1L = 2, ...) (Vectorman 2)
Set Lives (Wonder Boy 3 - Monster Lair)
Freeze Time (Alien Soldier)
Freeze Time (Bonanza Bros)
Set Time in seconds (Colums 3)
Freeze Time (Crack Down)
Freeze Time (Eternal Champions)
Freeze Time (Gain Ground)
Set Time in seconds (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Unlimited Health (Alien Soldier)
Unlimited Health (Alien Storm)
Set Energy (Alien Storm)
Unlimited Energy (Alien Storm)
Unlimited Health (Altered Beast)
Unlimited Health (Beyond Oasis)
Refill SP (Beyond Oasis)
Unlimited SP (Beyond Oasis)
Unlimited Health (Comic Zone)
Refill Health (ESWAT City under Siege)
Unlimited Health (ESWAT City under Siege)
Refill Health P1 (Eternal Champions)
Unlimited Health P1 (Eternal Champions)
Refill Shield (Galaxy Force 2)
Unlimited Shield (Galaxy Force 2)
Set Energy (Galaxy Force 2)
Set Health (1 Bar = 16) (Golden Axe)
Unlimited Health (Golden Axe)
Set Health (1 Bar = 272) (Golden Axe 2)
Unlimited Health (Golden Axe 2)
Refill Health (Golden Axe 3)
Unlimited Health (Golden Axe 3)
Refill Vitality (GunStar Heros)
Unlimited Vitality (GunStar Heros)
Refill Health (Kid Chameleon)
Unlimited Health (Kid Chameleon)
Unlimited Health (Land Stalker)
Set Health (1 Ball = 10) (Light Crusader)
Unlimited Health (Light Crusader)
Refill HP (Phantasy Star 3)
Unlimited HP (Phantasy Star 3)
Refill HP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited HP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill TP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited TP (Hahn) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill HP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited HP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill TP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited TP (Chaz) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill HP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited HP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill TP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Unlimited TP (Alys) (Phantasy Star 4)
Refill Health (Ristar)
Unlimited Health (Ristar)
Refill HP (Character 1) (Shining in The Darkness)
Unlimited HP (Character 1) (Shining in The Darkness)
Refill MP (Shining Force)
Unlimited MP (Shining Force)
Refill HP (Shining Force)
Unlimited HP (Shining Force)
Refill MP (Shining Force 2)
Unlimited MP (Shining Force 2)
Refill HP (Shining Force 2)
Unlimited HP (Shining Force 2)
Refill Health (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Unlimited Health (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Refill Health (Street of Rage)
Unlimited Health (Street of Rage)
Refill Health (Street of Rage 2)
Unlimited Health (Street of Rage 2)
Refill Health (Street of Rage 3)
Unlimited Health (Street of Rage 3)
Refill Health (Sword of Vermillion)
Unlimited Health (Sword of Vermillion)
Refill MP (Sword of Vermillion)
Unlimited MP (Sword of Vermillion)
Refill Health (The Revenge of Shinobi)
Unlimited Health (The Revenge of Shinobi)
Refill Health (Toe Jam & Earl)
Unlimited Health (Toe Jam & Earl)
Refill Health (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Unlimited Health (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Refill Health (Vectorman)
Unlimited Health (Vectorman)
Refill Health (Vectorman 2)
Unlimited Health (Vectorman 2)
Refill Health (Wonder Boy In Monster World)
Unlimited Health (Wonder Boy In Monster World)
Dinero/Materias primas
Set Credits (Alien Storm)
Set Credits (Bio-Hazard Battle)
Set Jewels (Colums)
Set Juwels (Kid Chameleon)
Set Gold (Land Stalker)
Set Gold (Light Crusader)
Set Mes (Gold) (Phantasy Star 3)
Set Mes (Gold) (Phantasy Star 4)
Set Gold (Shining in The Darkness)
Set Gold (Shining Force)
Set Gold (Shining Force 2)
Set Gold (Sword of Vermillion)
Set Coins (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Set Snakes (ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron)
Set Gold (Wonder Boy In Monster World)
Increase Score (Colums)
Increase Score (Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine)
Reset Enemy Score to 0 (Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine)
Increase Score (100P ~ 1) (GunStar Heros)
Increase Score (Ristar)
Increase Score (Wonder Boy 3 - Monster Lair)
Set Ammo (Crack Down)
Set Rockets (Crack Down)
Set Daggers (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Set Specials (Shinobi 3 - Return of The Ninja Master)
Set Special (Street of Rage)
Invisible (Dynamite Headdy)
Low Health P2 (Eternal Champions)
Invisible (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
Invisible (Sonic 3D Blast)
Set Invisible (Super Thunder Blade)
Add EXP (Phantasy Star 3)
Add EXP (Character 1) (Shining in The Darkness)
Suscríbete al plan Premium para usar todos los trucos. Icono PLITCH premiumHazte Premium

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SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
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201010/12/2024SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics
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