Entrenador y trucos para Knights of Honor II - Sovereign

Entrenador y trucos para Knights of Honor II - Sovereign

Knights of Honor II - Sovereign
Los 4 mejores trucos en PLITCH
Trucos gratisDisable fog of war Refill Supplies (selected army)
Trucos PremiumSet morale bonus in own realm (sel. army) Set morale bonus in allied realm (sel. army) Ver todos los trucos
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58 trucos
Knights of Honor II - Sovereign
Trucos gratis para Knights of Honor II - Sovereign
Estos trucos son gratuitos y están disponibles para todo el mundo.
Importante de antemano
Prepárate para las trampas
Refill Supplies (selected army)
Set temporary morale (sel. army)
Disable fog of war
Trucos Premium para Knights of Honor II - Sovereign
Set morale bonus in own realm (sel. army)
Set morale bonus in allied realm (sel. army)
Set morale bonus in neutral realm (sel. army)
Set morale bonus in enemy realm (sel. army)
Always full supplies (player armies)
Always low supplies (player armies)
Always max morale bonus (player armies)
Always max morale minus (player armies)
Always zero morale bonus (player armies)
Godmode units (Map)
Min 99 Stability (player)
Add bonus fame
Sub bonus fame
Set opinion: nobility
Set opinion: army
Set opinion: merchants
Set opinion: clergy
Set opinion: peasantry
Max -99 Stability (enemies)
Always full supplies (enemy armies)
Always very low supplies (enemy armies)
Always max morale bonus (enemy armies)
Always max morale minus (enemy armies)
Always zero morale bonus (enemy armies)
Dinero/Materias primas
Añadir oro
Sub Gold
Add Books
Sub Books
Add Religion
Sub Religion
Add kingdom levies
Sub kingdom levies
Set warfare skill (Sovereign)
Set economy skill (Sovereign)
Set diplomacy skill (Sovereign)
Set religion skill (Sovereign)
Set espionage skill (Sovereign)
Set warfare skill (Spouse)
Set economy skill (Spouse)
Set diplomacy skill (Spouse)
Set religion skill (Spouse)
Set espionage skill (Spouse)
Set warfare skill (Heir)
Set economy skill (Heir)
Set diplomacy skill (Heir)
Set religion skill (Heir)
Set espionage skill (Heir)
Ignore unit hire requirements (war marshals)
Set Food (selected castle)
Set Workers (selected castle)
Complete building (selected castle)
Auto fill food (player castles)
Fast build (player castles)
Fast upgrade fortifications (player castles)
FAQ and More
Tiendas compatibles*:
![Steam Steam]()
![GOG GOG]()
![Epic Epic]()
Año de lanzamiento:
Actualización más reciente del entrenador:
Black Sea Games
20228/7/2024Nombre Completo:
Lanzado por:
Knights of Honor II - Sovereign
THQ Nordic
Año de lanzamiento:
Actualización más reciente del entrenador:
Nombre Completo:
Lanzado por:
Tiendas compatibles*:
Black Sea Games
20228/7/2024Knights of Honor II - Sovereign
THQ Nordic