4 Cheat Codes
The Riftbreaker
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The Riftbreaker – Forge your way back to earth
Build your base, arm yourself to the teeth, and get ready to survive an otherworldly adventure! The Riftbreaker is a sci-fi survival game that combines elements of base-building with tower defense and hack & slash. Armed with an advanced Mecha-Suit, you will have to survive the hordes of aliens who are constantly trying to break through your defenses while mastering research skills in order to create power plants, refineries, generators – everything you will need before attempting the ultimate mission: creating a rift back home to Earth. Download PLITCH today and use our The Riftbreaker cheats in single-player to practice and enjoy the game! Check out our free and premium codes in our The Riftbreaker Trainer.Supported Stores*:
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Release Year:
Latest Trainer Update:
Exor Studios
20213/6/2025Full Name:
The Riftbreaker
Exor Studios, Surefire.Games