Watch Dogs - Legion
Trainer & Cheats


Watch Dogs - Legion Cheats

PLITCH is an independent PC software with 74000+ cheats for 5200+ PC games, including 12 cheats for Watch Dogs - Legion

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Install PLITCH, start Watch Dogs - Legion and use the PLITCH cheats.

Watch Dogs - Legion
Trainer & Cheats


Watch Dogs - Legion Cheats

PLITCH is an independent PC software with 74000+ cheats for 5200+ PC games, including 12 cheats for Watch Dogs - Legion

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Install PLITCH, start Watch Dogs - Legion and use the PLITCH cheats.

Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Based on 4872 reviews
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Watch Dogs - Legion
Top 4 cheats in PLITCH Free CheatsRestore HealthUnlimited Ammo
PLITCH premium icon Premium Cheats
No ReloadNo wanted levelSee all cheats Arrow pointing down

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* PLITCH is an independent PC software with 74000+ cheats for 5200+ PC games, including 12 cheats for Watch Dogs - Legion
Trustpilot Current Truspilot Rating Based on 4872 reviews
Secured by Sectigo GDPR complaint
Desktop Client Screenshot

12 Cheat Codes

Watch Dogs - Legion

Download and install PLITCH.
Create a free or premium account.
Open the client, search for your game, and start PLITCHing.*
* You need to purchase Watch Dogs - Legion in one of the supported stores to use it with PLITCH.

Free Cheats for Watch Dogs - Legion

These cheats are for free and available for everyone.
Activate First
Unlimited Coins
Unlimited Ammo
Restore Health
Low health
No Coins
PLITCH premium icon

Premium Cheats for Watch Dogs - Legion

These cheats are only available for premium users.
No Reload
No wanted level
Fast Hack Cooldown
Unlimited Tech Points
Get Premium to use all cheats. PLITCH premium iconGet Premium

FAQ and More

Watch Dogs: Legion - Free London!

The open-world-action-adventure-video-game Watch Dogs: Legion is set in London in the future. After a series of devastating terrorist attacks, caused by a mysterious Zero Day, a new authoritarian state has formed, which monitors and oppresses the people. Your role is to organize a resistance and overthrow the corrupt government by hacking. But you don't just play a single protagonist. You slip into the role of different characters that you can recruit one by one and that have their own skill tree and background stories. Explore a futuristic, dystopian London together with our exclusive PLITCH Cheats and Training-Codes!
Supported Stores*:
Ubisoft ConnectUbisoft+
Developer: Release Year: Latest Trainer Update:
Ubisoft Toronto
Full Name: Publisher:
Watch Dogs - Legion
Developer: Release Year: Latest Trainer Update: Full Name: Publisher: Supported Stores*:
Ubisoft Toronto
202011/13/2023Watch Dogs - Legion
Ubisoft ConnectUbisoft+

Become the best hacker in Watch Dogs Legion

Unlock all hacking skills and weapons and become rich with our Watch Dogs Legion PC cheats!
What does the Watch Dogs - Legion Trainer for PC from PLITCH have to offer?
Become the ultimate hacker - the PLITCH Watch Dogs Legion cheat engine for PC allows you to customize the game to your liking using codes, saving you hours of repetitive or frustrating gameplay.
What are our most popular Watch Dogs - Legion cheats? Do we have some tips and tricks?
  • With the Infinite Coins Cheat you can afford every item and weapon in the game and you will never have to worry about your money supply ever again.

  • Our Refill Health Cheat and Watch Dogs Legion Godmode will make you invincible and make sure that you win every fight.

  • If you prefer to avoid confrontations and be a hacker who operates from the shadows, then our No Wanted Level and Stealth Cheats are just what you need.

  • If you want to take your hacking skills to a new level, you can unlock new skills in no time with the Infinite Tech Points Cheat and use them indefinitely with the Fast Hack Cooldown Cheat Code.

  • Here's a little tip from our side: If you want to train your skills, try our Low Health Cheat, which will lower your health points immensely and thus increase the challenge of the game.
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