1428: Shadows over Silesia
Trainer & Cheats
1428: Shadows over Silesia
Trainer & Cheats
1428: Shadows over Silesia
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1428: Shadows over Silesia
Free Cheats for 1428: Shadows over Silesia
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Restore Health
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Low health
Low energy
Premium Cheats for 1428: Shadows over Silesia
Unlimited Energy
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Set Damage Modifier (default = 1.2)
Set Agility Modifier (default = 1)
Invisible To Enemies: ON
Invisible To Enemies: OFF
FAQ and More
1428: Shadows over Silesia – An immersive dark fantasy story
If you're looking for a game that will transport you to another world, 1428: Shadows over Silesia is a perfect choice. With its dark and atmospheric setting, you'll be immersed in a story that feels like it could be ripped from the pages of a history book. But this is not a dry history lesson – the game is packed with puzzles, battles, and stealth challenges that will keep you coming back for more. If you’d rather face this game with a sidekick, don’t hesitate to activate PLITCH’s 1428: Shadows over Silesia PC cheats. The cheat codes included in our 1428: Shadows over Silesia trainer will be by your side in every situation.Supported Stores*:
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KUBI Games
202212/17/2024Full Name:
1428: Shadows over Silesia
KUBI Games