Your experience with Plitch

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27 Posts
Dopo quasi un anno di abbonamento, sono qui a tirare le somme.
All'inizio ero molto entusiasta, però poi con il passare del tempo mi sono reso conto che non è tutto oro quello che luccica.
Ho fatto richiesta di trainer per 3 giochi e nessuno è stato realizzato.
Ho iniziato a usare trainer per giochi dove i cheat non funzionavano, ho richiesto supporto e mi è stato risposto "a me funziona" quando non ero l'unico ad aver aperto thread per segnalare il non funzionamento dei trainer per quei giochi e il problema non è stato mai risolto.
Capisco che i giochi e le richieste siano tante, ma siccome è un servizio a pagamento, e funziona non perfettamente per quello che dovrebbe servire (e per quello che paghiamo), allo stato attuale sono molto deluso e non credo che rinnoverò l'abbonamento.
Sono più i cheat che non funzionano che quelli che funzionano, magari meno quantità e più qualità sarebbe più appropriato e corretto
E' inutile dire oltre 3000 cheat se poi ne funzionano correttamente meno della metà.
Questa è una mia opinione, però credo che qualcosa non funzioni come dovrebbe.
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27 posts
Dopo quasi un anno di abbonamento, sono qui a tirare le somme.
All'inizio ero molto entusiasta, però poi con il passare del tempo mi sono reso conto che non è tutto oro quello che luccica.
Ho fatto richiesta di trainer per 3 giochi e nessuno è stato realizzato.
Ho iniziato a usare trainer per giochi dove i cheat non funzionavano, ho richiesto supporto e mi è stato risposto "a me funziona" quando non ero l'unico ad aver aperto thread per segnalare il non funzionamento dei trainer per quei giochi e il problema non è stato mai risolto.
Capisco che i giochi e le richieste siano tante, ma siccome è un servizio a pagamento, e funziona non perfettamente per quello che dovrebbe servire (e per quello che paghiamo), allo stato attuale sono molto deluso e non credo che rinnoverò l'abbonamento.
Sono più i cheat che non funzionano che quelli che funzionano, magari meno quantità e più qualità sarebbe più appropriato e corretto
E' inutile dire oltre 3000 cheat se poi ne funzionano correttamente meno della metà.
Questa è una mia opinione, però credo che qualcosa non funzioni come dovrebbe.
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4131 Posts
Hey kithamworth! Unfortunately, my Italian isn't really up to par so I'll answer in English if that is okay for you 😊

First of all: Thank you for your feedback. Honest feedback from our community is always welcome and helps us tremendously when we're trying to improve PLITCH and the service we want to deliver. I'll try to address your feedback as well as possible below and am more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Regarding requested trainers: Right now our request list is currently sitting at about 500 games that have been requested to be added to the PLITCH catalog by our users. Since we do not want to provide trainers only upon request like other providers, we have to prioritize working on requests and adding new trainers that have not necessarily been requested, thus offering our users a trainer without having to request it and then waiting for it. As you can imagine, that is not often easily done. I'm sorry your requests haven't been fulfilled yet. 

Moving on to the topic of support. There is only a certain amount of support we can offer through an open forum. That is why we emphasize opening a ticket if you're having persistent problems with PLITCH or certain cheats - our support staff will always do everything in their power to solve any problem. Please feel free to reach out to us in a ticket and we will try to solve your problem as best as we can.

Third and last - please refrain from obviously false statements such as "less than half of the 3000 cheats work correctly". We offer over 40000 cheats for 3000 games and if less than half of those cheats would work, we wouldn't be as popular with our user base as we are. I know that you might be frustrated because of the experience you've made with PLITCH but please keep in mind that there are people behind PLITCH that work hard to deliver the best product we can offer.

If you choose to no longer be a part of the  PLITCH community we're of course sad to see you go, but we hope we get another chance of providing just what you need. Happy Gaming! 😊
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4131 Posts
Hey kithamworth! Unfortunately, my Italian isn't really up to par so I'll answer in English if that is okay for you 😊

First of all: Thank you for your feedback. Honest feedback from our community is always welcome and helps us tremendously when we're trying to improve PLITCH and the service we want to deliver. I'll try to address your feedback as well as possible below and am more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Regarding requested trainers: Right now our request list is currently sitting at about 500 games that have been requested to be added to the PLITCH catalog by our users. Since we do not want to provide trainers only upon request like other providers, we have to prioritize working on requests and adding new trainers that have not necessarily been requested, thus offering our users a trainer without having to request it and then waiting for it. As you can imagine, that is not often easily done. I'm sorry your requests haven't been fulfilled yet. 

Moving on to the topic of support. There is only a certain amount of support we can offer through an open forum. That is why we emphasize opening a ticket if you're having persistent problems with PLITCH or certain cheats - our support staff will always do everything in their power to solve any problem. Please feel free to reach out to us in a ticket and we will try to solve your problem as best as we can.

Third and last - please refrain from obviously false statements such as "less than half of the 3000 cheats work correctly". We offer over 40000 cheats for 3000 games and if less than half of those cheats would work, we wouldn't be as popular with our user base as we are. I know that you might be frustrated because of the experience you've made with PLITCH but please keep in mind that there are people behind PLITCH that work hard to deliver the best product we can offer.

If you choose to no longer be a part of the  PLITCH community we're of course sad to see you go, but we hope we get another chance of providing just what you need. Happy Gaming! 😊
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27 Posts
Thank u for ur reply.
I'm sorry about italian message, but my english is rusted.
I'll use my month left to decide, i promise i'll think about it.
See ya.
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27 Posts
Thank u for ur reply.
I'm sorry about italian message, but my english is rusted.
I'll use my month left to decide, i promise i'll think about it.
See ya.
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4131 Posts
No need to be sorry! I hope my post gave you all the answers you were looking for, if not feel free to reach out 😊
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4131 Posts
No need to be sorry! I hope my post gave you all the answers you were looking for, if not feel free to reach out 😊
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