Set item cheat

Yeah. This cheat is super temperamental. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Yes. I'm making sure i have at least two of the item.

Yeah. This cheat is super temperamental. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Yes. I'm making sure i have at least two of the item.

Oh. And it seems to not work with Savior Schnapps at all

Oh. And it seems to not work with Savior Schnapps at all

It does not work for all items. That is nothing we can change.
Depends if the item ist stackable in the inventory system of the game even if it is displayed as stackable doesn't mean the item system handles it like that.

It does not work for all items. That is nothing we can change.
Depends if the item ist stackable in the inventory system of the game even if it is displayed as stackable doesn't mean the item system handles it like that.