Request for cheat additions (if possible)

Greetings. I hope this message finds the team well. I have been enjoying this game since it came up free on EGS. The codes that I use all seem to work well, and are quite thorough.
If possible, I would like to request cheats for item durability, so that when using a weapon there is NOT a counter that wears down until the item breaks (or even if it hits one it does not finish the count and break). Also, could the stress counter when exploring tunnels and stuff be able to be locked down so it doesn't progress?
I know not all codes are possible, but these would be great for helping in gameplay. Thanks for all you do and hopefully this is something that came be worked on.

Greetings. I hope this message finds the team well. I have been enjoying this game since it came up free on EGS. The codes that I use all seem to work well, and are quite thorough.
If possible, I would like to request cheats for item durability, so that when using a weapon there is NOT a counter that wears down until the item breaks (or even if it hits one it does not finish the count and break). Also, could the stress counter when exploring tunnels and stuff be able to be locked down so it doesn't progress?
I know not all codes are possible, but these would be great for helping in gameplay. Thanks for all you do and hopefully this is something that came be worked on.

Hey Nikadaemus,
glad to hear you're enjoying the trainer! I’ve added your cheat suggestions to our request list, and we’ll check them out as soon as we have time.

Hey Nikadaemus,
glad to hear you're enjoying the trainer! I’ve added your cheat suggestions to our request list, and we’ll check them out as soon as we have time.