Issue with cheats

Confused on how to get some of these cheats to work. Gold addition works fine, but im not sure how to get the heal unit cheat to work. I right click on the unit to bring up its details in combat, it mentions the tiles? I assumed it meant combat tiles but thats not healing it. I tried outside of combat but its not working either.

Confused on how to get some of these cheats to work. Gold addition works fine, but im not sure how to get the heal unit cheat to work. I right click on the unit to bring up its details in combat, it mentions the tiles? I assumed it meant combat tiles but thats not healing it. I tried outside of combat but its not working either.

Hey Draknas,
Double left-click on the main character to open the correct menu. If you want to apply it to a party member, you can select them from the same menu. Here’s a quick video to show how the cheat works:

Hey Draknas,
Double left-click on the main character to open the correct menu. If you want to apply it to a party member, you can select them from the same menu. Here’s a quick video to show how the cheat works: