Franchise Staff Points

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4 Posts
Hey all!

Wondering if there is a way we could get a cheat to edit or add franchise staff points in franchise mode.
Thanks for all the hard work!
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4 posts
Hey all!

Wondering if there is a way we could get a cheat to edit or add franchise staff points in franchise mode.
Thanks for all the hard work!
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30 Posts
This could be really nice!
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30 Posts
This could be really nice!
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2784 Posts
Achivement: I'm feeling retro!
Achivement: Good old times!
Achivement: Winter is coming
Franchise mode is not used online, any of the stuff u unlock? 
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2784 Posts
Achivement: I'm feeling retro!
Achivement: Good old times!
Achivement: Winter is coming
Franchise mode is not used online, any of the stuff u unlock? 
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4 Posts
It would most likely need to be for offline franchise mode.

They have added a feature called franchise staff points which essentially let you upgrade coaches.
I will test with cheat engine to see if it would work and report back here. I assume the trainer would be able to do something like this as it is just a value inside each offline franchise file.
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4 Posts
It would most likely need to be for offline franchise mode.

They have added a feature called franchise staff points which essentially let you upgrade coaches.
I will test with cheat engine to see if it would work and report back here. I assume the trainer would be able to do something like this as it is just a value inside each offline franchise file.
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4 Posts
Couldn't get it done with the simple way in cheat engine, but should be able to be done with a script. There are examples of this in Madden 21 where you could make the CPU accept any trade, have unlimited scouting points, unlimited coach xp, etc using a script in cheat engine. I have little knowledge of how these work exactly but I can try to replicate one myself. I'll update if I come up with anything.

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4 Posts
Couldn't get it done with the simple way in cheat engine, but should be able to be done with a script. There are examples of this in Madden 21 where you could make the CPU accept any trade, have unlimited scouting points, unlimited coach xp, etc using a script in cheat engine. I have little knowledge of how these work exactly but I can try to replicate one myself. I'll update if I come up with anything.

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4 Posts
Big update: While I wasn't able to find anything cheat engine related, I was able to find an offline save editor that actually works for madden 22 and staff points are editable in there. Not sure if I'm able to post a link so I won't risk it but if you want to explore I'll tell you how to find it:

1. Look up 'madden 22 save editor' on google
2. Click on the link 'bep713/madden-franchise-editor' on github
3. Click on 'Releases' on the right hand side
4. You should see a version number (ex. right now its 4.3.1) scroll down to the 'Assets' section
5. Choose the exe file that looks like this: Madden-Franchise-Editor-Setup-x.x.x.exe
6. Download and install (I have it and it checks out just fine)

Now that you have it installed, back up OFFLINE franchise save file and then load it in to the editor. Its mainly for editing schedules which is a cool feature, but you can also edit the table values in there for almost anything player/coach related.

For editing scouting/staff points:
1. Head to the table editor and then open up the 'Team' table.
2. On the right hand side click 'Jump to column'
3. Search 'user' and click on 'UserCharacter'
4. Every row that is NOT yours will show a bunch of zeros, go to the one that says something like 'Coach - 49'
5. That row is your coach, keep note of the row number they are in (ex. My coach is in row 44)
6. Click jump to column and fill in the row number of your coach and then search for 'StaffPoints' or 'ScoutingPoints' and choose it from the menu.
7. Change these values to whatever you want and then save the file.
8. When you reload this offline save, you'll have everything you need.

This was longer than I anticipated, but once you get it once, its super easy to use. Hope it helped someone out there! Enjoy.

TLDR: Found a save editor to edit staff/scout points and a bunch of other things if you look hard enough ;)

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4 Posts
Big update: While I wasn't able to find anything cheat engine related, I was able to find an offline save editor that actually works for madden 22 and staff points are editable in there. Not sure if I'm able to post a link so I won't risk it but if you want to explore I'll tell you how to find it:

1. Look up 'madden 22 save editor' on google
2. Click on the link 'bep713/madden-franchise-editor' on github
3. Click on 'Releases' on the right hand side
4. You should see a version number (ex. right now its 4.3.1) scroll down to the 'Assets' section
5. Choose the exe file that looks like this: Madden-Franchise-Editor-Setup-x.x.x.exe
6. Download and install (I have it and it checks out just fine)

Now that you have it installed, back up OFFLINE franchise save file and then load it in to the editor. Its mainly for editing schedules which is a cool feature, but you can also edit the table values in there for almost anything player/coach related.

For editing scouting/staff points:
1. Head to the table editor and then open up the 'Team' table.
2. On the right hand side click 'Jump to column'
3. Search 'user' and click on 'UserCharacter'
4. Every row that is NOT yours will show a bunch of zeros, go to the one that says something like 'Coach - 49'
5. That row is your coach, keep note of the row number they are in (ex. My coach is in row 44)
6. Click jump to column and fill in the row number of your coach and then search for 'StaffPoints' or 'ScoutingPoints' and choose it from the menu.
7. Change these values to whatever you want and then save the file.
8. When you reload this offline save, you'll have everything you need.

This was longer than I anticipated, but once you get it once, its super easy to use. Hope it helped someone out there! Enjoy.

TLDR: Found a save editor to edit staff/scout points and a bunch of other things if you look hard enough ;)

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