18th update has made the fonts so small I cant read anything

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the Client was working fine 12 hours a go but about 2 hours a go the client did an update and now the words and images in client are so small I can not see the words to read them standing 1 foot infront of my screen could you plz fix this 
I cant find no option in client to change fonts size tryed on my pc but that only changed the fonts size on my desktop not the client plz could you fix this
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20 posts
the Client was working fine 12 hours a go but about 2 hours a go the client did an update and now the words and images in client are so small I can not see the words to read them standing 1 foot infront of my screen could you plz fix this 
I cant find no option in client to change fonts size tryed on my pc but that only changed the fonts size on my desktop not the client plz could you fix this
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No support help no reply at all in forum so far 
I have re-installed it and this client is still in super small size what have you done to it 
plz fix this soon 

this client used to be verry good but since this update new client nothing seems to work lol
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No support help no reply at all in forum so far 
I have re-installed it and this client is still in super small size what have you done to it 
plz fix this soon 

this client used to be verry good but since this update new client nothing seems to work lol
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155 Posts
Achivement: Forum Expert
Achivement: Good old times!
Achivement: I'm frameous
Which 'words and icons' are you referring to in the client? All looks ok here 😉
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155 Posts
Achivement: Forum Expert
Achivement: Good old times!
Achivement: I'm frameous
Which 'words and icons' are you referring to in the client? All looks ok here 😉
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all words all icons the menu  down the side the search bar i cant even see what im typing in  
its everything 
client loads in looks fine untill fully loaded then it looks like playing 4k mode on a 4k 55 inch tv if you have ever done that you will know what i mean 
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all words all icons the menu  down the side the search bar i cant even see what im typing in  
its everything 
client loads in looks fine untill fully loaded then it looks like playing 4k mode on a 4k 55 inch tv if you have ever done that you will know what i mean 
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all words all icons the menu  down the side the search bar i cant even see what im typing in  
its everything 
client loads in looks fine untill fully loaded then it looks like playing 4k mode on a 4k 55 inch tv if you have ever done that you will know what i mean 
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all words all icons the menu  down the side the search bar i cant even see what im typing in  
its everything 
client loads in looks fine untill fully loaded then it looks like playing 4k mode on a 4k 55 inch tv if you have ever done that you will know what i mean 
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Well sending a msg and pic to support was a waste of time 1 day later no one has responded to it... What's keeping them? 
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Well sending a msg and pic to support was a waste of time 1 day later no one has responded to it... What's keeping them? 
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Ok I just tried to uninstall it and delete everything out of AppData then re-installed it that did not work then I tried to change my resolution from 4096x2160 to 1920x1080 nope that did not work 
Been scratching my head for over 24 hours now and I have had no help from the support team if they are there if not they must not like me 

So note to self keep searching online maybe someone ells out there  has had this problem and fixed it them self... I'm getting no help here 
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20 Posts
Ok I just tried to uninstall it and delete everything out of AppData then re-installed it that did not work then I tried to change my resolution from 4096x2160 to 1920x1080 nope that did not work 
Been scratching my head for over 24 hours now and I have had no help from the support team if they are there if not they must not like me 

So note to self keep searching online maybe someone ells out there  has had this problem and fixed it them self... I'm getting no help here 
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